My Web Projects

Webpage mockup of my weather app

Weather Application

Date Completed: July, 2021

I built my first online weather application that integrates live Open Weather API data from cities all over the world. I was able to design the webpage using InVision wireframe and then implement it using HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.

Webpage mockup of my first landing page

Landing Page

Date Completed: June, 2021

This was my first project on web development. I created a mock landing page that focuses on the topic of dog adoption using basic JavaScript to alert users. The design of the website was kept simple, light, and easy to navigate.

My Written Articles

Webpage mockup of written content for AsianFeed

Card Games Shopping List

Date Completed: February, 2021

I wrote this article as a content writer for an entertainment company. I curated a list of card games stemming from Asian culture that are fun and relevant to the Asian American community. Card games were recommended by the very popular facebook page, "Subtle Asian Traits."

Webpage mockup of written content for Food Tourism Blog

Food Tourism Blog

Date Completed: October, 2020

My team created a multiple-page blog delving into the effects of covid on the food tourism sector. We conducted thorough research and written our findings showing its impacts on the hospitality industry in a global and local scale.